Another Unsolicited Testimonial from an Endurance Cyclist using REV Energy Carbohydrate Fuel

Earlier this month (Jan 2024) I sent my new customer a container of REV Energy. He rides consistently with a group of 3-4 other mates. Prior to our discussion he didn’t really think much about planning his nutrition for his rides. He would have some calories in his bottles, mainly electrolytes, and eat his calories from pocket food he would take along. We discussed a strategy of more calories in the bottle so that he could just sip sip sip his calories all day without having to eat solid foods. I recommended concentrating the fuel in his bottles and how to use REV Energy to achieve this new fueling strategy. I advised using a minimum of 2 scoops of REV Energy (200 calories) per bottle but going up to as many as 6 scoops (600 calories) per bottle. 

What follows is an unsolicited testimonial on his first “month” using REV Energy!

If you are interested in trying the cleanest and easiest fuel to digest without stomach GI issues contact me directly at !!

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